lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

官方文件:Ω年番52话 Mars是战神

巴西站: ... l_da_toei_animation
Omega: folder promocional original da Toei Animation!
葡译英:# A& U6 @( X7 X$ H$ h, q- S
Recently we were presented with a folder of original promotional Toei Animation, facing the western market, the new anime Knights of the Zodiac Omega. Check out the pictures: Comment: The document is official Toei Animation (rare item) and we emphasize again the information about the number of episodes (52 episodes attempt) and the document confirming the fact that Mars is the god of war.1 g1 N' J# M2 g. g7 T* z

[下载]聖闘士星矢Ω 网络广播 第一回and第二回

本帖最后由 shun90326 于 2012-9-17 23:31 编辑 - P" }) b; Z2 n9 _$ c
9 M' t0 c& m5 W; e2 c9 n/ V
我不会发图啦。给个地址大家下载吧。如果有大神翻译就更好啦~$ z- o) ~( E% m& k  \; p1 |8 m

第一回下载3 ?5 W; G0 T' b
4 |3 Y1 c( J% q, Z; u) I
第二回下载- m1 w( _$ O, |

圣斗士星矢Ωwebラジオ第一期和第二期。绿川光【光牙役】主持  铃木达央【荣斗役】嘉宾" n( z$ ?1 f! f8 P2 j) H1 {/ c( V
