martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Teshirogi Shiori Recent Comments

Good day dear readers!

While Scorpio Side Story was being serialized on Weekly Champion, Miss Teshirogi wrote the following comments:
- Seiya Musical was the best! Really full of passion!
- I putted my work room in order, and once again the cook's smell and flavor still there. Oh damn.
- I returned to Matsushima, and attended the Ryutoue Festival, it was a good one. (
- This year has been full of natural disasters in Japan and the world, isn't?
- I removed the dust from the electric piano I have in my room to give it a try. Now, I can't move my fingers.
- Recently I'm getting sleeping while at work, I am doing muscle workout. Anyway, time to work out the upper arm!
- I'm completely getting into JIN‐仁‐ (Member of Kanjani8
- Recently, the scroll of my PC doesn't work...
- The book to support the East Japan Project is here! At the Summer Comiket you can buy it at several places.

In other news regarding our beloved Teshirogi Shiori, the coming signature event scheduled for this month were totally a sold out just after a hour the reservation started! Amazing!

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