Toei Animation will start a brand new series! Saint Seiya Ω (Omega) is a freshly-written story about the legendary boys’ battles and their friendship. It will be broadcasted in Japan on TV Asahi in April 2012.
Saint Seiya, one of Japan’s most popular and longest running anime series, has captivated audiences for over twenty years with its epic storylines, intense action and dazzling imagery. Based on the popular manga by Masami Kurumada, Saint Seiya is a timeless masterpiece following the adventures of a group of youths clad in “Cloth,” a mystical armor.
Along with the new series, Toei Animation is developing a CGI animated film based on the property. Together, these new projects will be known collectively as the “Masami Kurumada Project,” in honor of Saint Seiya’s original creator.
©Masami Kurumada / Toei Animation, TV Asahi, Dentsu
creditos: ssip
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